Thursday, January 20, 2011

Choosey folks choose....God!

I love choice...Want a new cell phone? There are lots to choose from. Hungry? What for? Each restaurant, grocery and fast food joint is filled with choices. In the market for a new car? Better do your research - there's thousands of models and makes to entice you! Choice is part of our every day life. We choose our food, our route to work, who we say hello to as we pass each other on the street... Every moment of every day we choose something.

One of the most mind numbing things about being human is the fact that God created us with free will and the ability to choose... It was the most important quality God imbued us with. He could have made us automatons... We could have been created to simply sing His praise every moment of every day, no thought involved, no sin and no poor choices. God wanted something entirely more valuable. He wanted us to CHOOSE Him. He wanted our choice for Him to have value.

You need only to lose the ability to choose to realize how valuable choice really is. I suppose that is exactly why God gave it to us. There is nothing more incredible or flattering than to have someone choose you. When someone chooses you, it is heady stuff, that's how valuable choice is.

Choosing God is one thing, making that choice is not a one time affair, however. It is ongoing. When you choose God as your master, you tell Him (and the world) that you will continue to choose Him. You will choose to let grudges go, you will choose not to be offended, you will choose to turn into the refining God has for you, not away from it.

Choices matter in this life and God wants us choosing Him on a daily basis, without reservation. But that isn't how it goes, is it? We don't always remember to choose God. In fact, often we find ourselves mired in choices that probably are the farthest thing from our choice to be with God. It happens, don't despair. We are human and choices, even bad ones, are what makes us attractive to our creator. Its important to remember that no matter what choices you've made at the time, or how mired in the consequences of your choices you are, you can always turn 180 degrees and choose God again. He LOVES it when we do that! He isn't waiting to punish as much as He's waiting to welcome us back.

Still wondering how to practically make smart choices? Jesus summed it up in Mt 22:36-40. He is asked what the greatest commandment is and His reply is two-fold. First, He says, love God. Part two is so much more telling... "And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" You want to make great choices? Choices God would be proud of? Treat everyone as if it was yourself you were ministering to! Choose to forgive, and you will be forgiven. Choose to be generous and others will be generous to you. Choose to listen when another's heart is breaking and when you need it most, someone will be there to hear your cries as well.

What will you choose today?

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